Ask of the sparkling wave
That sportive hurries by,
If it is not the grave
Of life's uncertainty.
That sportive hurries by,
If it is not the grave
Of life's uncertainty.
Though smooth the surface be,
Lurks there no tide below?
The heart may silently
Inhale some secret woe.
Lurks there no tide below?
The heart may silently
Inhale some secret woe.
Smiles may be oft a mask,
Our feelings to conceal;
And what you idly ask,
The future may reveal.
Our feelings to conceal;
And what you idly ask,
The future may reveal.
By an Almighty Power,
Was filled our cup of life;
Teems it not every hour,
With cherished blessings rife.
Was filled our cup of life;
Teems it not every hour,
With cherished blessings rife.
And though a passing cloud
May dim our mental view,
Should sadness always shroud
The mind in sombre hue?
May dim our mental view,
Should sadness always shroud
The mind in sombre hue?