Page:Poems Cook.djvu/412

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Worshipping Child, thou wert doing then
What all below should do;
We hear it taught by the Prophet men;
We see it traced by the Prophet pen;
By the Holy, the Wise, the True.

We must lay down the flowers we bear,
Held close in doting pride!
We must be ready to willingly spare
On Life's altar-rock, the things most fair—
And loved beyond all beside.

Worshipping Child, may the tempest hour
Find me with my spirit as bow'd!
As thou didst give the Grass and the Flower;
May I yield what I love best to the Power
Of Him that makes the Cloud.

God on earth! and God in heaven!
God! who gave one day in seven
Unto Man, that he might rest
With thy mercy in his breast.
God of Goodness! I am kneeling
In my spirit's deep revealing;
Fervently to give thee praise
For the peace of Sabbath days.
Calm and tranquil thou hast made
This soft hour of twilight shade,
And I ask thee, in thy might,
To be "watchman of my night."