Page:Poems Craik.djvu/222

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"Thou shalt call, and I will answer Thee: Thou wilt have a desire to the work of Thine hands."

WITH steady march across the daisy meadow,
And by the churchyard wall we go;
But leave behind, beneath the linden shadow,
One, who no more will rise and go:
Farewell, our brother, here sleeping in dust,
Till thou shalt wake again, wake with the just.

Along the street where neighbor nods to neighbor,
Along the busy street we throng,
Once more to laugh, to live and love and labor,—
But he will be remembered long:
Sleep well, our brother, though sleeping in dust:
Shalt thou not rise again—rise with the just?

Farewell, true heart and kindly hand, left lying
Where wave the linden branches calm;
'T is his to live, and ours to wait for dying,
We win, while he has won, the palm;
Farewell, our brother! But one day, we trust,
Call—he will answer Thee, God of the just.