Page:Poems Crandall.djvu/40

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  Then go your way
  From day to day,
Heed not each gossip's tale;
  For all we know
  Of friend or foe
Are glimpses thro' the veil.

The Closet Skeleton
Escaped at last from its hiding place,
  It meets and defies you face to face;
It stalks abroad and rattles its bones,
  While the long-lost soul of it sobs and groans.

And people gaze as it passes by;
  They love the stare of its empty eye,
Its arching ribs, its hideous grin,
  A welcome sight is this ghastly thing.

They listen to catch the piteous moans,
  And oh how they love the rattling bones.
They nod and whisper with a smile,
  "Just what I told you all the while."

As swoops the vulture to its prize
  With eager haste the gossip flies;
"My joy, my very life," she cries,
  With her raptured gaze on the sightless eyes.