Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/175

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We have been friends together
  Through many changeful years,
Have danced to the same measures,
Have shared each other's pleasures,
  Have mingled smiles and tears;
And now our trembling fingers grasp
Each others in a farewell clasp.

Fortune, so chary of her smiles,
  Smiles at last, dear friends, on you;
And we who've journeyed side by side
Must part, since our life paths divide—
  Must bid a long adieu!
With quivering lips and tearful eye
We falter o'er the last "Good-bye!"

You journey to a brighter sphere;
  We in the old grove must remain,
Missing each familiar face
From out of its accustomed place,
  And, yet, our loss will be your gain,
Though we may (?) meet no more. Ah! well,
In God's dear Heaven there's no farewell.