Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/204

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"the north-western daily mail," etc.

"The North-Western Daily Mail."
Here's luck to the "North-Western Mail,"
Which, with mingled hope and fear,
We launch with the new-born year.
May it weather every gale,
And with flying colours sail
On its prosperous career.

May it prove a great success,
Like a golden Argosy
On the journalistic sea,
And bring honour to the Press;
Free from all scurrilousness
May its pages ever be.

But quick to denounce all wrong,
And ever ready to fight
On the side of truth and right—
Thus may it sail along
'Mid the journalistic throng.

Lines written in an Album.
Albums like jewel caskets are designed
That we may store therein rich gems of thought
Jewels discovered by the master mind
Of sage, philosopher, or poet
In wisdom's golden mine, and by them set
In phrases quaint and measures musical,
Which charm us 'mid the daily toil and fret
Of sordid life. We cull the beautiful
As little children cull the summer flowers,
And find sweet comfort in our darkest hours.
  Success to our Northern Light!