Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/216

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Little maiden, years are flying—
Though it seems but yesterday,
That a little smiling cherub
In my loving arms you lay.

Little maiden, time is flying,
Childhood's days will soon be o'er,
May good angels ever guard thee—
Guard thee now and evermore.

Little maiden, time may bring thee
Losses, crosses, joys and tears;
May the great good Father keep thee
Ever, in the coming years.


True to herself, and true to thee,
Barrow this day has nobly shown
Her wisdom and her loyalty;
Right bravely she has held her own
And given to thee the victory,
And thou dost merit the renown.

Our crisis past, we can rejoice;
But there are battles still to fight
Throughout the land. May wisdom's voice
Direct all wavering wills aright
That men may wisely make their choice,
Like loyal Barrow, for the right.