Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/43

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the soul's quest.

I soared, yes soared, in that ethereal air,
My burdens and my crosses gone,
Higher, and higher, up the mount to where
A faint light dimly shone.

Then, height to height gave back my soul's glad cry—
A cry that rang out on the night
Of Doubt, dispelling Unbelief, for I
Had found at last—The Light.

And poised on the heights she had attained
My soul gazed on the World beneath,
And knew the knowledge which she had gained
More priceless than laurel wreath.

For we stood on the mountain tops of Faith
And saw the vale of Doubt below,
Where the weary votaries of Unbelief
Moved blindly to and fro.

And we looked with pitying sadness down
On the sad old world and its strife—
The sceptical world—and yearned to make known
The higher, holier life.

For, conscious of her own consciousness, my soul
Doth here most solemnly attest,
There is a life beyond the grave, where she
Hopes to resume her quest.