Page:Poems David.djvu/102

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legend of the border knight.
To the lone silent depths of Kenna's dell.
He there paused, and then springing to the ground
His charger to a low young hawthorn bound.
And then bending thrice to the setting sun,
This wild mystic strain he there thus began.

  "Mysterious spirit, thou must tell
   What e'en a Leslie seeks to know;
  And thou art bound by mystic spell
   To do their bidding, friend or foe!—
  Hail! ethereal mystic one,
   Oh! leave awhile thy magic home,
  Appear 1n robe of dazzling white,
   Thou bright and mystic spirit, quickly come!"

Scarce had he spoke, ere to his eager sight,
Appeared the Leslies' guardian sprite;
With a green wreath of oak her brow was bound,
And her slender waist was twined around
With a silken girdle of pure emerald green
All bright with the diamonds' fitful sheen.
"What would'st thou ask?" the guardian spirit cried,
"To learn my fortune," Sir Jasper replied,—
"Thy fortune proud Sir Jasper," said the sprite
"Is dark, and black as wild December's night,—