Page:Poems David.djvu/109

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legend of the border knight.
"Mortal," she cries, "go seek Saint Hilda's Well,
Claim for thy bride the maid that by it dwells.
Return with speed to Leslies' ancient halls,
Though burnt and batter'd are its noble walls."
The spirit paused, and then the mystic shade
Commenced in viewless air to gently fade.
A burst of music wild, and then once more
The lonely dell was silent as before.
Oh! I need not linger now, not e'en to tell
How brave Sir Jasper sought Saint Hilda's Well.
The gentle Eveline, now a beauteous bride,
Rides by Sir Jasper Leslie's errant side,—
Errant now no more, for spirits' hands
Anew his noble castle halls did plan.
Thus time flew on, and now a border raid
Burst o'er the neighbouring hamlet in the glade,
When 'mid his fire scath'd home, the vassals slain,
The cry is rais'd to up and arm again!—
The draw-bridge crashing slowly falls,
And from the ancient castle's noble walls
Issue the brave Sir Jasper and his train,—
With noble steed and richly broider'd rein
He rides the foremost to the distant fray.—
For there hath now passed a year and a day
Since with Sir Lionel, in Saint Hilda's glade,
He long had fought within the forest shade.