Page:Poems David.djvu/113

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legend of the border knight.
And loud an aerial voice rang thro' the dell!

  "Thy task is done, alas! Sir Knight,
   Fallen, fallen, and thus by thee,
  Is the Leslies' guardian sprite,—
   Oh! now the warning voice is free.

  "Oh! fare thee well! thy noble name
   Shall fade alas! from Leslies' hall;
  And thy long banished deeds of fame,
   Hov'ring rest p'er thy castle wall.

  "Thou must wander, lone and sorrowing,
   For ever thro' this forest dell,
  Till a snow white hart thou findest
   Drinking at yon bright woodland dell."

Still 'tis said amid the forest glade
Often is seen Sir Jasper Leslie's shade;
And when the rich autumn leaves are falling,
The weird phantom's voice is oft heard calling.
And of his glittering mail is seen the distant gleam,
By the pale and silvery moon's gentle beam.