Page:Poems David.djvu/117

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the fall of lucifer.
Bears down the living granite 'neath its sweep,
Break their allegiance and thus together stand
A bold, and ready, though a rebel band!—
I will rule o'er Thee, and my mightier mind,
Thy limbs, proud Master, to the earth will bind
As shatter'd pine, which 'neath the ruthless hand
Of the wing'd whirlwind no more doth stand
A tip toe o'er the abyss' yawning brink,
As though it fear'd to break the loosening link
That binds its shatter'd roots around the rock;—
Which nourish'd yet, before the fatal shock
Of heaven's war it bends, and parting from the brink
As some storm weaken'd swimmers in mid ocean sink."
Lo!—from the rainbow'd throne, a voice arose,
Roll'd back the haze of glory, to disclose
The Power Supreme! and from His eyes
The Living Light, His angel host defies.
Hoary the hair that crowns His lofty brow,
Grasped in His hand a sword of fire now.
Loud rose the voice, as water murmuring on,
Still, soft, and gently, then, alas! was gone.
Unangered the voice arose alone
In calm entreaty's earnest quiet tone.
"Thou bright Lucifer, so fall'n and thus far
I give to ye dominion o'er the star
Of morning bright, the first whose gentle beam