Page:Poems David.djvu/143

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the mermaids.
Borne on the petrels dusky wing
I skim the ever rolling tide.
O'er the hidden caves of the ocean
My wild and trackless course I steer;
I love to think no mortal hand
Can check my mad and wild career!


Spirit am I of the wide blue sea,
Safe I hide in the sandy cove,
Where the waves come softly creeping,
And the lone sea-gull loves to rove;
While the waves with their ceaseless music
Rehearse, of winter's wrecks, the tales,
And the bright and laughing waters
Murmur to the soft summer gales!


Would I might dwell in crystal home,
'Neath the fathomless deep blue sea;
Oh! bear me to thy coral grots,
That I may ever rest with thee!


We'll teach thy infant hand to tame
The fierce and angry wild sea-horse;