Page:Poems David.djvu/195

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illness of the prince of wales.
And ended then those hours of anguish
For the close which seemed so near;
Now to her who patient waited
Dawns the hope that knows no fear!

'Twas given to her a father's death
To soothe with ever gentle hand;
And now she guards a brother's couch
Who hover'd o'er death's ebon land.

Our future Queen, the Sea King's child,
Ne'er shone so lovely on our shore,
As when by trial and grief oppressed,
She bravely thus her sorrow bore.

Wife and mother, thy devotion,
Oh! long thy tender care will prove;
And that sad and weary watching,
Still bind thee stronger to our love.

Thine own true and noble nature,
Become thee more than princely crown;
'Tis a jewel that gleams the fairest,
When fortune on thy halls doth frown.