Page:Poems David.djvu/207

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When this unfortunate ship was lost, the Captain implored one of the Midshipmen, then on his first voyage, to spring into the boat; being overcome with terror, his only reply was "I cannot do so, I must stay and die with you!" (11th January, 1866.)

"MID dying and the dead, he stood,
Nor cared one step to move;
Though life is sweet, a death he'll meet,
That he his love may prove.

With death-pale cheek and quivering lip,
He hears his Captain's cry—
"Save boy thy life! in ocean's strife
Thou art too young to die!"

"No! No!" he cried, with tearful eye
"My life I dare not save;
Alone with thee, deep down in sea,
I'll face a sailor's grave!"