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Anthony 4 Wood, the Proctors, elected on the 13th April, 1556. Cranmer after having been seized and conveyed from the Tower, to Windsor, was finally lodged in the common gaol, at Oxford, which was over the Northern Gate of the City, and is now destroyed. His enemies finding while there, he remained firm to his creed, removed him to the Dean's lodgings, at Christ Church, where he was received and treated with every mark of respect. While there, those around him drew from him his noted recantation. Soon after he was brought and placed by his successful enemies on a platform in St. Mary's Church, in front of the pulpit in the nave, to read his recantation. On this spot Cranmer made his memorable refusal to join the Romish Church. A cry from the assembled monks and priests for vengeance was raised, and he was dragged from the church at once to the town ditch, now Broad street, (the previous year, the scene of the martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer) and burnt. When brought to the stake, he took leave of some of his friends standing by; and seeing William Ely, of Brasenose College, amongst them (he having, I believe, disputed with him on doctrinal points during his imprisonment), when he went to shake him by the hand, Ely however drawing back said "it was not lawful to salute heretics, especially such who had falsely returned to opinions he had foresworn." Under the pavement in front of Balliol College, a quantity of wood ashes were discovered opposite the old Gateway pulled down in 1868.


a"Grotesque figures with twining ivy crown'd.

The grotesque figures or hieroglyphics, surrounding the interior of the quadrangle, are defended in a curious Latin account in manuscript, and entitled Ædipus Magdalensis, written by W. Reeks, a fellow of the College, at the request of Dr. Henry Clark, or Clarke, the President from 1672 to 1687, to prove their emblematical meaning; commencing with the south western corner,