Page:Poems David.djvu/36

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reminiscences of oxford.
HOW glorious art thou, and still unchang'd,
As when the princely Bishop Wykeham ranged!
Each noble arch, each dim and solemn aisle,
Giving grace and beauty to his mighty pile.
How formed art thou to draw the wayward mind
To things far greater, and still more divine!
From vaulted roof the solemn anthem's sound
Is heard in echo as it floats around;—
Higher and higher the ringing voices swell,
And in the fine old roof the fading echoes dwell.
From thy noble windows patriarchs look down,
Some appear to smile, others seem to frown.
In the dim distance-of their ancient aisle,
Stands in relief the organ's stately pile!

WITH pleasure, once again, I now behold
Magdalen's fine tower, rising grand and bold;
To cloistered shades I bend my gladsome way,
Beneath the noble gate, now old and grey.
On every trellised arch the ivy clings,