Page:Poems Denver.djvu/156

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Beaming serene from its orb of blue,
As calm, as soft, and as tender too.

Beautiful, beautiful stars! your light
Is carried abroad on the wings of night.
Gone is the darkness that hover'd round
On tree and flower, on hill and mound;
But mostly it falls on the sparkling breast
Of the waves, when their waters are lulled to rest,
Making it gleam like a brilliant mine,
Where millions of dazzling diamonds shine.

Do you see yourselves in the glassy wave,
That dreads e'en the neighboring flower to lave,
Lest the movement might disturb the rest
Of the bright ones that sleep in its quiet breast?
I have seen them struggle their places to keep,
When the waters were stirred from their tranquil sleep,
And it seemed like the clinging of heart to heart,
That the storms of existence would force apart!

Thou who didst spread yon boundless chart,
Set deep Thy watch in the careless heart!
Amid the darkness, and doubts, and fears,
That shadow the light of our early years,
Let the beams of Thy love be shed abroad,
Like stars on the midnight wave, our God!
That the doubt may pass, and the darkness flee,
And the chastened spirit return to Thee!