Page:Poems Denver.djvu/189

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Thou hast ventured at last on the sounding deep,
Thou hast wakened the waves from their azure sleep;
The tear has been shed, and the hand been wrung,
And thy canvas free to the wind is flung.
Dash onward, barque! thou hast left the shore,
Yet the rock and the tempest are on before.
Midst the foaming billows, the scattering spray,
Thou hast trust in thy pilot; away, away!

O bird of bright plumage and golden wing,
Thou hast come to the blossoming earth to sing?
She is fair, and her love seems all thine own;
Yet an eye hath marked thee to thee unknown:
The hunter hath gazed on thy shining crest,
He has seen the hue of thy glossy breast;
Oh I seek for safety in yon bright ray,
Thou hast trust in thy pinions; away, away!

Haste, Warrior! haste to the battle-field.
Where few may conquer, where none may yield;
Why dost thou linger within the vale?
The voices of foemen are on the gale.