Page:Poems Denver.djvu/19

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The twin-sisters, Mary Caroline and Jane Campbell Denver, were born near Winchester, Frederick County, Va., on the 8th of February, 1821. Their parents sprang from that immigration which poured from the north of Ireland into Pennsylvania and Virginia during the latter part of the eighteenth century; and it was a thought which always awakened, in the minds of the subjects of this sketch, a pardonable pride and enthusiasm, that they had an ancestry to whom "Liberty was the breath of life."

The extreme loveliness of the region lying between the Blue Ridge on one side, and a spur of the Alleghanies on the other—the summits of both which could be seen from their home—no doubt had its influence on minds naturally open to impressions and imaginations always strongly excited by the grand and beautiful in nature. When they were about ten years of age, the family removed to a farm near Wilmington, Ohio, but not before these Daughters of Song—as they were destined to prove—had drunk in many an inspiration from the lovely valleys, winding streams, and cloud-capped mountains of the Old Dominion. These memo-