Page:Poems Denver.djvu/327

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To the green and quiet pastures
He was going blithe and gay,
And came to a deep swift river,
Where idle boys were at play.

And they pointed to an orchard
Where the golden fruit hung low,
And urged him to go and rob it,
But he refused to go;
For the fear of God within him,
A fear they did not feel,
Like a king enthroned in his bosom.
Kept saying "Thou shalt not steal."

Then they pointed to the orchard
Where the golden fruit hung down,
And they pointed to the water,
And dragged him there to drown;
But the love of God within him,
Something they did not feel,
Overcame his dread of mortal,
And he still refused to steal.

They plunged him beneath the water,
And held him there, until
Drowning, he ceased to struggle,
And his heart was cold and still.