Page:Poems Denver.djvu/41

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And she did go! But where? A shout arose,
And the huge ocean spread her billowy arms,
Covered with foam, and panting like a steed,
Just recent from the battle, to receive
And bear her onward to the destined shore;
And from the vast and gloomy wilderness,
A voice said "Come," and perishing hearts said "Come,"
And fainting souls—and o'er that forest-land,
Religion hovered, with a fluttering wing,
Half scared and half triumphant—for the hearts
That braved oppression in their native land,
That left their homes, and left their fathers graves,
To cross the toiling ocean, and to dare
The dangers of the forest, could not yield
Their courage up entirely—they had placed
Their trust in Him who never would forsake,—
The God of their true worship.
So she came
Unto an unknown and a barren shore
Unfaltering.—With meek and placid brow,
And tranquil eye, and ever-prayerful heart,
Soothing the weary and afflicted one,
With words of gentlest balm, and lifting up
Her voice to heaven to bear her firmly on.
Even to the end.
      Her task on earth was done.
Fully accomplished, and she bowed her head,
And rendered back her spirit to the hands