Page:Poems Denver.djvu/93

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Bend over me! bend with your radiant skies,
O, land of the heart's own paradise!
I have lived too long amidst drooping flowers,
I pine for the light of thy golden hours;
For the sunshine that maketh the heart a home,
Where shadow hath never dared to come;
For the fragrance that liveth upon the air,
And maketh the bosom its place of prayer;
For the smile that hovers upon the lips,
And is never dimmed by the heart's eclipse;
And those glorious strains that ever seem
But pinions to some delightful dream,
That beareth us up from the earth away,
To the purer light of a perfect day!

Bend over me! bend with your smiling skies,
O, land of diviner harmonies!
Our world hath never a sound of mirth,
But is filled with the dreaminess of earth;
Our fingers have never touched a chord,
But a mornful prelude abroad was poured;
No strain may over our waters creep,
But maketh us turn aside and weep,
For our "bosom's lord" is seldom glad,
And the sweetest music is always sad.