Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/165

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He speaks through every flower that blows,
In breath of lily, tint of rose;
In sultry calms; in furious beat
Of the wild storm's tempestuous feet;
In starlit night, and dewy morn,
And splendor of the day new-born!
He uttereth His thunders where
The shock of battle rends the air;
He guides the fiery steeds of War;
He rules unseen the maddening jar,
The hate and din of party strife,
And bids it serve the nation's life;
He leads fair Science, where she walks
With stately tread among the stars,
Or where, with reverent voice, she talks
With Nature through the eternal bars!
His Word is uttered wheresoe'er
A human soul has ears to hear.
The royal message never errs;
God send it true interpreters!