Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/380

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"This is Good Friday, Annie Blair,"
Dame Margaret cried again,
"When Mary's Son, the Merciful,
On Calvary was slain.

"The earth did quake, the rocks were rent,
The graves were opened wide,
And darkness like to this fell down
When He—the Holy—died.

"Give me your hand, O Annie Blair;
Your two knees fall upon;
Christ send to you your lover back—
To me, my only son!"

All night they watched, all night they prayed,
All night they heard the roar
Of the fierce breakers dashing high
Upon the lonely shore.

Oh, hark! strange footsteps on the sand,
A voice above the din:
"Dame Margaret! Dame Margaret!
Is Annie Blair within?

"High on the rocks of Danger Head.
Her lover's boat is cast,
All rudderless, all anchorless—
Mere hull and splintered mast."

Oh, hark! slow footsteps on the sand,
And women wailing sore:
"Dame Margaret! Dame Margaret!
Your son you'll see no more!