Page:Poems Dorr.djvu/415

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April days are over!
O my gay young lover,
Forth we fare together
In the soft May weather;
Forth we wander, hand in hand,
Seeking ad enchanted land
Underneath a smiling sky,
  So blithely—thou and I!

Soft spring days are over!
O my ardent lover,
Many a hill together,
In the July weather,
Climb we when the days are long
And the summer heats are strong,
And the harvest wains go by,
  So bravely—thou and I!

July days are over!
O my faithful lover,
Side by side together
In the August weather,
When the swift, wild storms befall us,
And the fiery darts appall us,
Wait we till the clouds sweep by,
  And stars shine—thou and I!

Summer days are over!
O my one true lover,