Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/143

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the betrayed.
And her sin-sick soul was healed,
For she poured her heart in prayer—
And she found a balm in Gilead,
And a kind Physician there

For a spirit bowed and broken.
Her young heart could now rejoice,
For she felt the Spirit's token,
And she knew that "still small voice."
Now, what visions round her gather!
Fancy wings it o'er the deep
To the cottage of her mother,
Where she sees her kneel and weep.

Yes! she hears her prayers ascending
For her dear and hapless child,
While the names are humbly blending
Of the spoiler and the spoiled;
And she hears her fondly sighing
Purest blessings on her head,
And it cheers her hour of dying,
When all earthly joys are fled.

Peace! it is the last sad feeling—
Soon the weary heart lies still,
'Tis the spirit gentle stealing
Far away from earthly ill.
Now 'tis done, the struggle's ended,
And the freed soul wings its flight,
By celestial guards attended,
To the realms of endless light.