Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/154

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the sylph and the flowers.
The Sylph and the Flowers.
The gentlest breeze that ever
Swept o'er a woodland scene,
Just giving leaves that quiver,
Which show the silvery green;
The downy underlining
Amongst the foliage played,
As sunset rays were shining
On hedge-row, flower, and blade.

The fragrant thorn was covered
With a luxury of gems;
The wing of wild-bee hovered
O'er myriad bright-crowned stems.
The blyth laburnum flaunted
Its tassels o'er the brook,
And birds their last hymn chaunted,
Ere they to rest betook.

The modest primrose bended
In thanksgiving her head:
The essence that ascended
Was the sweet prayer she said.
When, like a radiant shadow,
The Sylph of eventide
Passed brightly o'er the meadow,
To the gentle floweret's side.