Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/171

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a new-year wish.
Long see thee at their hearth and board a pure and joyous thing,
The precious and the bright-eyed gem of their unbroken ring;
With bounding step and gushing heart, and playful laugh to cheer,
And glad the eyes which watch thy path from happy year to year.

Till life's young April hours are left in childhood's vale behind,
And all which now gives promise of a more than common mind
Be fully realised in thee, as through the vale of youth
Thou speed'st, with honour for thy guide, thy close companion truth—
Life's chalice flow to thee and thine as full of earthly bliss
As e'er was raised to human lips in such a world a this;
Be thine, dear boy, true friendship's joy, love, an abundant cheer,
And all that lives in these brief words, "Be thine happy year."