Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/175

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But chief the voice of friendship warm
Shall to Dunclutha bind me,
Where reigns, rich in each maiden charm,
The girl I left behind me.

Now, flutter like a sea-bird's wing,
Each snowy sheet unfurling;
Our bark, so like a living thing,
Glides on 'mid foam wreaths curling.
And once again I breathe farewell;
Oh, heaven's best blessings find thee,
Presiding sylph of heath and dell,
Sweet girl I leave behind me!

Pass round the wine cup rich and red,
And pledge the guileless hearted—
The gentle one is won and wed
Since in her home we parted;
The future be with pleasures rife,
No cares to them assign'd be—
The happy youth and peerless wife,
The girl I left behind me.