Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/187

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the stream of life.
The Stream of Life.
Life's infant stream, how calm and fair,
And beautiful it lies,
It's silv'ry surf reflecting clear
Young morning's cloudless skies!
How smooth our little barque glides on
Upon the sunny stream—
How everything we gaze upon
Looks bright as poet's dream.

Unruffled by one breeze of care
The waters onward glide,
Unbittered by one woe-fraught tear
Flows on the lucid tide
Or if a tear should chance to fall
In childish sorrowing,
'Tis lighter than the dewy pearl
Shook from the skylark's wing.

And oh! what sweet and gladsome bowers
The sunny banks adorn—
We reach and pluck the fadeless flowers
That bloom without a thorn;