Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/52

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the seasons.
But Time, e'en on that sinless ground, permits of no delay,
But leads the guileless sporters there to youth's green vale away.


No. II. Summer: Youth,

Young spring time with her smiles and tears, and trembling beams, is gone,
And summer, with rose garlands crowned, and glorious vesture on,
Bathes in a flood of fostering light the fair and fruitful earth,
Till deep within the forest's heart the glittering rays make mirth.
Still on the hill's green slope is seen the cottage midst the trees,
On either hand the ripening grain stirs lightly to the breeze;
The pasture ground with closer bloom is gaily dotted o'er,
By which glides on the murmuring stream, as sparkling as of yore,
The saplings that the wavering breath of early springtime swayed,