Page:Poems Douglas.djvu/75

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the seaside village.
But Effie's scruples were o'ercome, the gallant pleaded well,
An' many an envious throb awoke when pealed the marriage bell.
Wi' keen remorse puir Tibbie Grey was like to tak' her bed,
"To think," she said, "but for her pride hersel' might hae been wed;
She was the very first on whom his fancy seemed to licht,
O, if she only could ha'e kenn'd the fiddler was a knight."

That vanity is profitless, mair than her bosom owns,
An affability sets aff e'en those wha sit on thrones:;
That lassies may complaisant be, nor e'er put on a frown,
Nor yet from female dignity be thocht descendin' down.
Civility is each one's right, besides 'tis breeding's law,
An' mair, it is a witchin' charm, sae proved by Effie Ha'.

The Seaside Village.
This bit waterin' place, sae deserted like noo,
Used to be, simmer seasons, o' visitors fu',
Till those wha let rooms grew as fu' o' conceit
O'er the gran' anes they lodged, as an egg's fu' o' meat.