A brook, meandering, was my guide
Through a wild Scottish glen,
That tracked the mountain's heathy side
Far from the haunts of men.
Through a wild Scottish glen,
That tracked the mountain's heathy side
Far from the haunts of men.
That lonely brook sang mournfully,
As on its waters rolled;
The music blessed, all peacefully,
My spirit as I strolled.
As on its waters rolled;
The music blessed, all peacefully,
My spirit as I strolled.
And trees all-sweepingly o'erhung
The waters as they lay,
Till the deep shadows o'er them flung
Half-hid the light of day.
The waters as they lay,
Till the deep shadows o'er them flung
Half-hid the light of day.
But as I wandered on and on,
Bright sunny glances came
Bright sunny glances came