Page:Poems E. L. F.djvu/60

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Oh! I would tell of the bright, bright sky,
Of the perfumed zephyr hovering nigh,
Of the heath-clad hill, whose purple hue
Rose o'er the wrapt and wondering view,—
Of the glassy lake, whose mirrored sheen
Reflected o'er the sun-bright scene.
No wave or wind in terror rose,
To wake the deep and calm repose.
Oh! I would sing of each tiny flower
That blushed its fragrance on that hour,
Smiling in beauty far and wide,
Like sun-rays o'er the silvery tide;
And the voice of music floated there
From woody warblers of the air:
No "hum or shock" of man was near
To break upon the listening ear,
Or wake the deep impassioned tone
That haunts the soul of man alone.