O human soul! thou wondrous work divine,Born later than the spheres, yet shall survive them all,Whence comest thou? and whither tends thy way?Tell us, O human soul! thy history;Tell us, O human soul! thy destiny.Long silent ages have their courses runSince on this earth thy presence first was knownOh, tell us, in that dim and silent past,Amid what lights and shadows thou hast roamed,What holy aspirations have been thine,What revolutions in the spheres of thought,What conflicts and what vict'ries thou hast known,What revelations have to thee been giv'n.And where, O soul! hast thou thy records left?Amid the band of muses, is there oneWho keeps for aye the sacred trust for thee?If such there be, O muse! whate'er thy name,We breathe an invocation unto thee. Behold! she comes, of bright and noble mien,A calm light beaming in her serious eye.