Upon this sunny morn in flow'ry June,While Colorado airs so soft and clearCome stealing through the window of my homeAnd gently sway the young-boughed trees near by,And blossoms that unnumbered near and farTheir wealth of beauty lavish on the plains—And while before me so sublimely riseThe mountain summits in their grandeur old,Long ranges hazy with soft misty lights,Where lofty peaks in solemn silence wearTheir crowns of purity—eternal snows,Where heav'n comes down to earth; where earth meetsheav'n;—The everlasting mountains that endureThrough all the changes of this changing worldUntil the heav'ns and earth be found no more,—Upon this sunny morn, O Thoughts of mine!I send you forth out in the "wide, wide world,"On journey all untried. But He who said,"Thy bread upon the waters cast; for thouShalt find it after many days," I trustWith watchful eye will guide you on your ways.And if with you there resteth aught of pow'rTo cause that souls draw nearer to their God,To Him, the True, the Beautiful, the Good,—To Him be all the glory evermore.Denver City Colorado June 12, 1871.