Pure breezes blow from the realms of Faith,Wafting the bark on its peaceful way.
Oh, solemn is the ceaseless, silent flowOf this mysterious deep,—the sea of Time.'Tis twilight now upon its peaceful waves;Yet all the shadows are with glory tinged;For earthly twilight blends with heav'nly day.And now, behold! within the beaten bark,Old Age, with furrowed brow and silv'ry hair.Upon Eternity's now bright'ning shoresThe guardian angel doth his coming wait.The boat is moored upon the heav'nly strand;And once again the guardian angel speaks:"O mortal, hast thou brought the priceless pearlThat in the isles of Hope to thee was giv'n?If so, immortal, then, oh! follow me,And I will guide thee to the mount of God,Will bring thee to the New Jerusalem;There be the priceless pearl that thou hast broughtThe brightest gem in thy eternal crown."
There comes a sound like rush of seraph wings.Their songs of welcome chant the seraph choirs.The twilight wanes. Time's shadows all are lostWithin the light of heav'n's eternal day.