And thus it was,When death's dark shadow fell upon his home,Corona's father saw the old man standBeside the coffin of his little childAnd offer up this prayer:And offer up this prayer:"O Father! ThouThe spirit gem hast from the casket borne.O grant that he to whom this gem was giv'nThrough faith's clear vision may behold it shineWithin thy diadem, O Saviour crowned!And, by its bright endearing luster drawn,May come and bow at Calv'ry's holy shrine,And own thy saving power, O Lamb of God!"
Long afterward within that father's soulA still small voice had uttered o'er and o'er,"And own thy saving pow'r, O Lamb of God!"For though this man his great Creator GodAcknowledged both in matter and in mind,And though his soul in adoration bowedTo all that's beautiful and good and true,To wisdom, virtue, ev'ry noble pow'r,Yet had not claimed he as his own the FriendAbove all other friends—the Saviour God.
Corona from her early years was taughtThe worship of the beautiful. Her soul