How often hast thou told us that to allGod sends a mission!God sends a mission!In my childhood daysThe mission God hath sent me was revealed;And now, when o'er me dawns the golden lightOf womanhood's bright years, to thee I tellThe work to which my soul and life are giv'n.And when the vision I to thee repeatThat yesternight to my glad spirit came,I know that thou wilt understand it all.
Along a lonely narrow path I trod,Shut in from vision of the outer worldBy lofty trees with overarching boughs;But whither led this pathway knew I not,Till all at once before my vision roseHigh mountain steeps. And on one summit stoodA lofty temple; and at my approachUpon its dome a beauteous form appeared,Unfurled a gleaming banner. On its foldsWere traced, in golden letters, 'Genius, hail!'Then by my side another form appeared,And whispered gently, 'I will be thy guide.'And we, those mountain steeps ascending long,At length before the temple's entrance stood,And, passing through long corridors and aisles,Beheld a throng of those whose honored names