And one look to Corona and CrucèReveals the presence of the angel Death.
The dying one his look upon them castsOf recognition; and he breathes a pray'r: "O Saviour! Thou who once upon this earthDidst walk with thy disciples, Thou dost knowThe holy tie which now by death is rent.As Thou didst love thine own, so I have lovedThese young disciples; and for them I pray,As Thou didst pray for thine.As Thou didst pray for thine.O Father! keepThose whom to me Thou'st giv'n, through thy name;And grant to her who goes to ministerWithin the temple of the beautiful,A clear perception of thy will divine.In her remembrance may she ever keepThis truth: that through the cross the crown is won. To her who sorrow as her birthright holds,Oh, when in far-off heathen lands she dwells,Grant her thy all-sustaining conq'ring strength,And while she nobly bears her earthly cross,May she behold the crown that shines above."
His dying eyes upon those ones for whomHis spirit thus hath breathed a parting pray'r,A benediction beam, then softly close.