Of him who to the dead may give the ritesOf Christian burial. Though long they wait,The missionary comes not; and they castEach on the other an inquiring gaze,Then gaze upon Crucè, with saddened mienAmong them waiting as the rest. And now,Her soul recalling from its mournful thoughts,And understanding their mute questioning,She takes the holy volume, opes, and reads.
She reads of Him who bowed His head in death,The human soul to ransom from its pow'r,And Conq'ror of the grave on high, to Heav'nAscended, there to reign for evermore.And then in deep solemnity she speaksOf great eternity's dread, awful scenes,When in the clouds of glory shall descendThe Crucified, the Risen One, to judgeThe earth in equity and righteousness.
Then some who listen, and who have receivedThe truth in part before, but entered notThe path that leads to Christ, now feel their soulsMoved by invisible and mighty pow'r.
When she in earnest words, made eloquentBy her deep sorrow, pointeth out the gate,