Though reaching far out in infinity,—Then humbly said, with an uplifted eye,"I praise Thee, O thou Ruler over all!"The page of science now possessed new charms,And over volumes stored with glowing thoughtsShe oft would linger long. New energiesWere roused within her soul, and wheresoe'erThrough all the years of life on earth she roamed,She sought to bless mankind; and many onesWould praise with gratitude her bounteous hand. But not alone is sorrow found where wantAnd poverty and sickness come, for earthHath many who have never known what 'tisTo suffer these stern ills of life, yet bowedBeneath the weight of other griefs and cares.And such of these as came within her sphere,With delicate and tender sympathyShe sought to soothe; for, oh! so well she knew,Should mountains crumble and the hills remove,And though the planetary orbs should ceaseTo roll in their elliptic paths, one word,One look of kindness, will forever live.