Morning dawned, and all was still; For the storm had died away,Subject to His all-wise will, Whom the winds and sea obey.For the mother's heart-felt grief, Yielding almost to despair,Earth afforded no relief; This she found at last in prayer.
Ere another night had fled Slept the maiden in her grave,—Slept with the unnumbered dead, 'Neath the ocean's briny wave.
Oh! thou great and mighty deep, Holding in thy caverns strongLoved ones, for whom many weep, And have wept for, oh! so long;There shall come a time when thou In thy majesty sublime,Though reluctantly, shalt bow To the stern decree of time.
Then, when from Jehovah's eye Guilty hearts would fain have fled,Thou shalt hear the angel's cry,— "Let the sea give up its dead."