Illumined with Imagination's light,A lovely spirit treads those mountain heights,—The spirit of the Beautiful. And allThat's noble, great, and good in human thought,The richest gems from Reason's caves profound,The flow'rs of faith, and hope, and love that bloomBeside Emotion's pure and hallowed streams,These all she bringeth to the mountain heights.Behold! upon the plains we first beheldThe spirit's temple consecrated stands.There, at his shrine, the priestesses of God,The Moral Powers, their ministries devote.Thence issue all the virtues hand in hand,And crowned with diadems of grace divine.Throughout the Soul-world ever, ev'rywhereBeside Emotion's streams, in Reason's caves,On Understanding's plains, and Fancy's heights,There floats the accents of a still, small voice,—The voice of Conscience, and the voice of God.In pow'r supreme, o'er all the other pow'rs,The sov'reign Will sits arbiter of all,—The Soul-world's destiny is in his hand. The Mighty One, Creator of all life,Eternal source of pow'r, holds life and deathBefore created Will, and sayeth, "Choose."He chooseth life;—and in the realm of MindDoth order, peace, and joy reign evermore.