Be strong! Be strong! Thy God commandeth thee. His Son thy peace is made, Given His Spirit's aid; Then wait, oh, wait on Him, Ne'er let thy faith grow dim But in His energyBe strong! Be strong!
Be strong! Be strong! Strong in thy weakness be! Strong in His matchless might, Strong for all good and right, Strong for all love and hope, Strong with all ill to cope, Strong in humility,Be strong! Be strong!
Be strong! Be strong! Let feeble hand and knee Venture to do and dare, Take up the cross and bear; Through Christ thou mayst be sure To conquer and endure, And His true servant be,Be strong! Be strong!
Be strong! Be strong! Stronger and stronger be! With cleanséd hands and heart Acting a witness' part; Using the Master's strength, Until thou come at length All perfectly to beMade strong; yea, strong!