Page:Poems Hazlett-Bevis.djvu/46

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A Day from Heaven.
A day drifted down from the dawning sky
And floated mid air awhile,
Then softly settled, with gentle sigh,
'Mong flowers, with winning smile.

Its sunshine crept in the hearts of men
And the weary head was lifted;
The song of the birds filled every glen
As the laughing river, gifted

With a music of rippling songs so sweet.
Causing the ear to listen,
There came to each heart a joy complete,
As tears on the eye-lids glisten.

A murmur of peace, a fragrance pure,
The air was the dew of love;
It fell on each soul, with certain cure—
A touch from the hand above.

"A Day from Heaven," with all its calm,
Knowing no sorrow here;
The rythm of Hope, with soothing balm,
Wiped off the mourner's tear.

A glad new song, with the hush through all,
Told of a crown, and scars;
And the wearer stood, within Christ's call,
Under the gleaming stars.
