One way, and only one there lieth,Through this desert waste of shame,To redeem from endless scorning,This great blot on woman's name.Stronger hearts must first be melted,They who willingly betray,They who Virtue's shining jewels,From her casket pluck away.
With them this giant reformation,Must begin, in Jesus' name,Let them on God's strength relying,Woman save from greater shame.Oh! how many of His children,Preach and pray for Magdalen,Who would feel contaminated,If she touched their garment's hem.
Man! rise up in holy grandeur,Cast thy robe of sin away,Helping to reclaim the erring,From the broad and sinful way.Thou wilt find a sweeter blessing,In the honored name of wife,Than the husks of sin polluting,All thine inner truth and life.If thou clothe with purity,Thyself, let woman go her way,She will prove thy truest treasure,She will never go astray.