Then with the woman's clinging faith, That lives unto the end,Thou in the service of thy king, His warrior ranks among;Did'st dare Compeigne's fatal day, Oh woman heart so brave,Thy life, and victory sublime, O'er lives time's tidal wave.
Let England's court of justice hide, Her face in deepest shame;Let infamy forever crown, Her infant monarch's reign.When young, and brave, and beautiful, Neath superstition's demon eye.Unto the martyr's fiery stake, They led thee forth to die.
Oh! though within no honored grave, Thy sainted form finds rest,Though mid the dark waves dashing foam, By bigot hand, thine ashes cast;Are lost to memory, ever dear, Wherever beats a loyal heart,Wherever woman's valor gains, For her, a royal part.Wherever in the endless march, Of ages yet to be,Shall woman's fame, a beacon' rise, As guide for liberty.