Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/214

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He stood in a foreign port
In the midst of the clamoring din
Straining his eyes o'er the peaceful waves,
Watching the ships come in.

There were French and Italian frigates
And British men-of-war
And flags of all nationalities
Streaming their colors afar;

But one of the many caught his eye
And raised his eager hand
To wave his hat in welcome,
'Twas the flag of his native land.

It flung on the Orient zephyrs
Freedom's prophetic types
While India's sunbeams sported
In Columbia's stars and stripes,

And it spake to the lonely traveler
Of his home across the main
Where it waved in majestic beauty
O'er the freedman's sundered chain.

What wonder he greeted its coming
With a glad and grateful heart,
It seemed of his country,—an emblem,
Of his cherished home,—a part.

Like a star from his native heaven
Or a message from some loved name,
Or a flower plucked from his garden
On the wings of a dove it came.

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